Sesion 14


Incorporate JQuery

Similar to Boostrap, we can dowland the JQuery, or we can add it with the CDN. Naturaly the CDN have some ventajes over dowland the file. Minify: it's trying to reduce a file size, to the minus code, this process is deleting all the breaklines, spaces, comments or somethingn innecesary code or character from our code.

<script src="" integrity="sha256-oP6HI9z1XaZNBrJURtCoUT5SUnxFr8s3BzRl+cbzUq8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

In the file.html
<!-- JQuery -->
<script src="" integrity="sha256-a9jBBRygX1Bh5lt8GZjXDzyOB+bWve9EiO7tROUtj/E=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<!-- own js -->
<script src="./index.js"></script>

Selecting Elements

for using the select in jquery, we just need the dollar sign "$": Hello there i'm a string

//------- with JQUERY
$(".select-btn").each((index, element)=>{
---code $(".text1").text("--code");

//------- WITH JS
document.querySelectorAll(".select-btn").forEach((element, index) => { --code
document.querySelector(".text1").textContent --code

Manipulating Styles

Toching the CSS, for that we just add the css method, and pass througth: first, the css property, second, the value for that css property

Hi i'm a Title # 2!

//-------Set the css value
pass the atribute as the first paramter, and, the value as the second parameter

//-------Get the css value
pass the atribute only, without the value
alert("Color setted "+ $(".title-2").css("color"));

//-------Add a class
$(".title-2").addClass("big-title italic");

//-------Has a class?
alert("Has big title? : "+$(".title-2").hasClass("big-title"));

//-------remove a class?

Manipulating Text

Toching the textContent, for that we just add the text() method, and pass througth as a parameter the whised text.
To get the textContetn, don't pass any parameter

Instance we can use html() method its equivalent to say innerHTML with parameter we set the value, with any parameter we get the value

Hi i'm a Title # 2!

passing the whised text as a paramneter
//-------Set text with text()
$(".title-3").text("Hi <i>"+name+" </i>");

//-------Set text with html()
$(".title-3").html("Hi <i>"+name+" </i>");

Manipulating Atributes

We can add or change atributes by the function .prop("property","valueIfWantedToChange")


passing the whised value as a the second paramneter

let img = $(".img-1")

//-------Set src atribute

//-------Set src atribute
let disabled = $(".btn-test").prop("disabled"); //-- method called without the second parameter, so it's return the value with any change
$(".btn-test").prop("disabled",(disabled ? false : true));

Adding Event Listeners

We can add event listeners with the method .on("event",callBackFunction)

//-------SAY HI
$(".modify-event-btn").on("click",function () {
     alert("Hi, my clases are:"+$(this).prop("class"));

//-------disabled button (this button is above, in the Manipulating atributes )
$($(".modify-atributes-btn")[0]).on("click",function () {
     let disabled = $(".btn-test").prop("disabled");
     $(".btn-test").prop("disabled",(disabled ? false : true));

$(document).on("keydown",function (event) {
     let actualText = $(".label-1").text();
     if(actualText.length >21){
          actualText = actualText.slice(1,22)
     $(".label-1").text(actualText + event.key)

Adding and remove elements

We can add or delete new elements, in current serverd page, for that:

  1. CREATE AN ELEMENT: For that we select the elemente, and with .before("html_code_to_add") we add the wished content instance of that we can create elements with the command .after("html_code_to_add") too, with that we're going to add an elemente after the elmente selected
    • .before("html_code_to_add"): It would add the the code before the elment selected
    • .after("html_code_to_add"): It would add the code after the element selected
    • .prepend("html_code_to_add"):It would add the code inside the elemente selected, but before the cotent, <h1> "html_code_displayed" "content" </h1>
    • .append("html_code_to_add"):It would add the code inside the elemente selected, but after the cotent, <h1> "content" "html_code_displayed" </h1>
  2. REMOVE AN ELEMENT: For we just use the method .remove() with the selected elemente wished to delete

function addElement() {
     $(".add-before-me").before("<button type='button' class='btn-added' onclick='hi()'>I'm a new button</button>");

function removeBtn() {
     let btns = $(".btn-added")
     let len = btns.length

     if (len === 0) {
          alert("There's not any bnt-new to delete");



W3schools documentation about jquery effect methods.
With JQuery we can make lots of effects.


Fade img

//-------FADE TOOGLE
function imgFadeToogle() {

function imgSlideToogle() {